

  • Brotherly love

    Faith, Hope and Charity the result of brotherly love.

  • Hope

    North Bend Masons sponsor the Masonic Bikes for Books program to encourage students to read. Each year North Bend Masons contribute bicycles to children participating in reading programs in local elementary schools. Evidence shows that schools participating in the program see improved reading scores among their students.

    Books also enlighten, inspire, bring happiness and success, challenge our perspectives and provide comfort at difficult times in our lives.

    While Masons think positively they know that once all action has been taken toward the desired outcome.

    It is said that a man having attained faith in God is reasonably led from a belief in His wisdom and goodness to the hope of immortality.

    In modern Masonic iconology Hope is represented by a young woman leaning on an anchor, the anchor itself being a symbol of hope.

How to become a Mason Read more

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