Joining the Lodge

One of Masonry’s customs is not to solicit members; men must seek membership on their own through a Mason they know in Unity Lodge. The easiest way to begin the process of becoming a Freemason is to contact a Mason at Unity Lodge. (2b1 ask 1).

Masonic membership in Washington state is open to men age 18 or older who meet the qualifications and standards of character and intention, and who believe in a Supreme Being. Men of all ethnic and religious backgrounds are welcome. For details see Qualifications.

You will complete a petition for membership with the help of a Mason willing to sponsor you. After the Mason submits your application, several members of the Unity Lodge will interview you so they can learn more about you and so that you can learn more about Freemasonry. If the interviewers are favorable, they present your application to the Lodge for a vote. If the vote is affirmative, you receive the Entered Apprentice degree - the first degree of Freemasonry. When you advance through the next two degrees, Fellowcraft and Master Mason you are full member of the Fraternity.

Six Steps to Becoming a Freemason

See Six Steps to Becoming a Freemason in this website to learn more about joining Unity Lodge.

Request more information

For more information about Freemasonry or to learn about being made a Mason at Unity #198, send a message to

How to become a Mason Read more

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